Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ADHD Medicines Price-Gouging

The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board is investigating the makers of Concerta and Adderall XR for price gouging after a review that shows these drugmakers charge consumers 115 to 445 percent above the maximum level set for ADHD drugs.

Both Concerta and Adderall XR are once-daily time-released drugs. While the manufacturers claim the drugs are an improvement to Ritalin and Dexedrine, the review board believes prices should be the same unless Concerta and Adderall XR are considered a breakthrough or have a substantial improvement on existing treatments.

Compare Concerta and Ritalin, which have the same identical active ingredient; Concerta costs range from $1.98 to $3.20 per capsule while Ritalin costs range from .50 cents to $1.45 per capsule. Monthly, Concerta can cost anywhere from $61.38 to $96 while Ritalin can cost $15.50 to $44.95.

For many families, especially those without insurance coverage, the costs of these new drugs can be overwhelming. Due to the strong genetic component to the disorder, there are many families who have more than one child on medication, causing monthly prescription bills to run into hundreds of dollars.

It would be remiss not to mention that Attend, a once daily ADHD treatment that is shown to be as effective as Ritalin and Concerta, costs just $35.95 monthly. In addition to the health and wellness benefit of Attend, Attend is also a cost-effective way to treat ADHD symptoms.

Attend also comes with a 100 percent money-back guarantee. Just try getting your money back from the pharmacist if Concerta or Ritalin do not work to reduce ADHD symptoms!


Anonymous said...

We must consider that Concerta is also a once a day medication where Ritalin is a three times a day drug. When you consider that, you are comparing $1.50 per day for Ritalin with $1.95 per day for Concerta you are now comparing apples to apples. Some people may consider the convenience of once a day dosing worth the extra 45 cents.

Anonymous said...

Please let me know where you're getting your Concerta prices because I'm about to get my perscription and I did some price checks and the cheapest I've found (without doing mail order) is $4.44 per pill (36mg) NOT the $1.95 the other commenter mentioned. I have no insurence so for my perscription of 90 pills I basically lose a whole paycheck. If anyone can tell me where to get a better deal I'd be very happy.

Carole said...

$4.44 per pill? YIKES! Have you considered looking into natural alternatives to the ADHD medications? Clinical studies show Attend to be as effective at Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta and costs about $1 a day. You can read formula highlights at;

Anonymous said...

I just returned from Walgreen's where the pharm told me my insurance just saved me $343 on my prescription for 90 18mg 'caps' (or whatever they call these concerta bullet looking pills.) My portion was $40.00. I am in shock! I think I will tell my doc to change my prescription. I am only now going back on these meds after a few years and I didn't realize to cost of concerta. I have used ritalin and dexadrine in the past with almost the same results. Concerta is just easier and smoother since it is time released. Certainly not worth it though.

Anonymous said...

My insurance does not cover Concerta anymore. My son has been on it for couple of years now, and this pill works great with him.
Please let me know where I could get Concerta (36mg) for the price mentioned above? I've called around and the cheapest that I have found was $288.54 for 2month supply from

Anonymous said...

Wow I would love to be able to find Concerta for $1.95. I was paying $4.14 a day from Walmart. That is 60 36mg pills and that's with a AAA discount because I have no insurance. This month Walmart jumped in price to $4.45 a day with the AAA discount. This is just crazy and I think they are price gouging for sure.

Carole said...

Attend is $37.95 for a month's supply and it's safe, effective and works as well as the prescription ADHD medications. You really should give it a try;

Anonymous said...

Appaling prices. Here in Norway, the price for a ritalinpill is roughly 20 cent, give or take. Dont know for concerta, maybe 30-35 cents i think.

Public healthcare has its pros.