Monday, September 25, 2006

Pine Bark Extract - An Ingredient in Attend - Reduces ADHD Symptoms

A recent study shows that Pine Bark Extract, a powerful antioxidant commonly used in folk medicine, significantly reduces ADHD symptoms in children. Not coincidentally, this is one of almost 70 ingredients in Attend.

This study, published in the journal of European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, showed that Pycnogenol (pine bark extract) as an effective treatment for ADHD symptoms.

The study showed reduced hyperactivity and improved attention, concentration and motor-visual coordination while taking pine bark extract, and a return of ADHD symptoms once the group stopped taking pine bark extract.

In this double-blind study of 61 patients, 41 received Pycnogenol daily for a month and 16 received a placebo. Patients were tested and evaluated before treatment, one month after treatment and one month after the end of the study. Those taking Pycnogenol daily for one month showed a drastic drop in hyperactivity and inattention compared to those who received a placebo. After a month of not taking pine bark extract, researchers again performed testing and found that ADHD symptoms.

Bring on the pine bark extract! This finding is important news for families concerned about the dangers and side effects of ADHD medications and for those seeking natural alternative to ADHD medications.

Most ADHD medications can be addictive and all ADHD medications have side effects - some of which are serious and potentially life-threatening. The Center for Disease Control estimates that ADHD medications cause over 3,000 emergency visits each year due to these drugs.

In addition to increased cognitive function, Pycnogenol - an ingredient in Attend - also provides health benefits for the heart, circulatory system, skin.

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